Don’t just do something, sit there!

With only days before this grand 12 week adventure begins, I have been given an over-abundance of blessings, prayerfully and financially.  There have been so many, ask you you will receive, seek and you will find moments in the past weeks.  I wanted to say thank you to all of my brothers and sisters who have partnered with me, through Christ, for the good work that God is and has already arranged to be done this summer.  I had just enough funds come in at just the right moments and the trip is now, officially, fully covered.  The prayer from Five Forks Church this morning was an enormous blessing.

May 19th is only four days away and with all of my ducks purchased and in a row, I feel that I could leave tomorrow.  However, preparation for doing the Lord’s work is way beyond skin-deep.

I have been at a point where God has been allowing some minor-catastrophes to happen in the recent weeks that have only served to drive my dependance so much deeper into Him and His grace.  Yet, in the pit of a recent freak accident with the company Volvo (which is very likely in totaled condition according to the insurance company), disappointing very close friends by slowing down/stopping plans that were rushed forward at Mach 5, possibly giving me the appearance of an insecure, nervous boy-that-shaves instead and feeling (much like a lot of new-graduates) like my degree in international business isn’t being used much at all (yet), blessings have come from every incident.  Knowing that God allows suffering to produce patient endurance and that He allows our names to be dragged through the mud, teaching us full submission and humility has brought out of these darker times, moments of joy and happiness.  Life isn’t about me.  It’s more important for me to ask God what brings Him the most glory instead of only asking Him what is His will for my life.  My life is a non-issue.  What matters most is that I use my life to serve our amazing Creator.

As for the remaining four days until I board American Airlines, flight 1761 and serve in the mountains of the Dominican Republic, I feel the need to stop doing so much and wait on the Lord.  I feel Him in the quiet and intimate moments, working and preparing me to be a vessel for His use.

For now.

For the rest of my days.

Waiting on His move.

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