Blog Intention

Backpack with camera gear, water and first aid kit - standard.

The purpose of this blog is to keep everyone informed as to what is going on in the DR from May until August.  I will be loading photos with captions to let you, the well-intentioned yet time-restrained person, know what is happening in places like Los Higos, Jarabacoa, El Callejon, Mata Gorda and any other place I happen to be in that day.

Hence the brevity and well.. bareness of this blog currently.

Thanks to all my family and friends who are joining with and supporting me, prayerfully and financially.

– Myles

Operation: Raise $3,000 in 2 months

Cost Breakdown for the Dominican Republic
  $600 – Flight from BWI (Baltimore) to STI (Santiago, DO)
$2,100 – $175 per week x 12 weeks (Meals & Lodging)
+ $300 – Travel & Donation to Local Churches
$3,000  (minimum for trip)
*overage will be donated to future operation of the ministry site.


Having just purchased a Canon 60d with 20mm prime lens to film and do everything Students International needs me to do this summer and despite working for the past few months – I still need to get $3,000 together for my time of serving in the DR from May 19th until August 10th.  I’d love to stay longer but I need to be home in time for my sisters wedding in September!

Here are two videos I did while I was working with Ryan Holloway in the Microfinance ministry and a boys club in El Callejon he also started.  Ryan and his wife Caroline are both full-time missionaries with their newborn baby, James serving in the DR.  Ryan asked me to throw together these two videos in my last two weeks in the Dominican to update his supporters. – Microfinance – Boy’s Club is my email if you are interested in learning more, want to join with me in prayer for the needs of God’s people there or even if you care to financially contribute to this need.  We see the need now, let’s meet that need.

Every donation, $1 or $100, is greatly appreciated.  =)